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DECRYPTA is the ideal receiver for mobile surveillance and field maintenance. Decrypta has all features of TLR+ and SA-TLR+ receivers and now an integrated display. Decrypta is a compact high performance stand alone receiver you can bring in the field or use with all PCs and laptops.

Decrypta has two telephone line inputs. Imposes no limit on number of accounts per line and provides a DB25 parallel printer port for direct printer output.

With rugged construction, ease of operation and mobility, decrypta adds many new and attractive features to the basic Monitoring Station.

Line circuitry FCC(USA), IC(Canada), CE-Security (Europe), CE-Telecom (Europe), ICT D800-428K (Germany), IBPT TC970587 (Belgium) ZA TE-2000/079 (South Africa) Certified.

- 4 lines LCD display
- Configuration menus is english, french, german, spanish and portuguese
- Mobile without need of reconfiguration.
- Internal buffer 800 to 1000 events.
- CMOS Lithium battery for non volatile memory.
- Supports SIA, BFSK,CSFK, VFSK etc.
- Caller ID (where available)
- Supports software retransmit function.
- Alert/Warning buzzer for operation without PC.
- Acknowledge function on front panel.
- Dead line detection and operation status on front panel.
- Printer status on front panel.
- Interface with wireless phone terminals around the world.
- Listen-in, Two way voice

Type :Pulse,DTMF,FSK
Reception Speed :10,20,40 pps(dr/cs)
Handshake and Kiss-off :1400Hz /2300/2225Hz
Pulse Frequency//Telim :1800Hz /1900//1100Hz

Reporting Formats supported:


Radionics 6500
Ademco: Radionics extended
Sescoa Slow
  -Contact ID;
Sescoa Standard
Silent Knight Slow
  -Contact ID;
  -High Speed
Napco Point ID

FBI Super Fast

3x1 3x1 extended
4x1 3x1 extended compressed 4x2
4x1 extended 4x1 extended compressed 4x2
4x2 Zero removed 3x1,4x1 extended
Optex ’s Varitech C&K:Bell 103A2 or CCIT on option

For Germany and Scandinavia,as Pulse replacement:

Standard units are shipped with Bell 103 on both lines.
Special order for CCIT,Telim or Robofon (No extra charge. Required configuration is to be specifed)

Power Requirements:
From power supply or battery,12V,6 watts.

Event logging when PC is absent:
Decrypta stores up to 800 events (Native mode),or 1000
events (Ademco 685 ™ mode //SurGard ™ mode))when PC
is absent are displayed on LCD as a sequential pile when power is maintained. Events are protected by lithium battery for transmission to PC.

Printer Output:
Standard DB25 connector for Centronics Parallel Interface.

Size and construction:
Size:15 ” ((L)x 5.5 ” ((W)x 2 ”(H)
38 cm (L)x 14 cm (W)x 5 cm (H)
Housing:Rugged aluminum chassis.
Baked black enamel finish.
Nickel plated silver finish for cover and base on special order

Monitoring Software:
Decrypta interfaces with Monitoring software in Native mode, Ademco 685 ™ emulation mode and SurGard ™ emulation mode. Compatible with most automation software on the market such as SAMM, WINSAMM, Central Works 2000,SIS and SIMS

-1 parallel port DB25 for printer.
-1 serial port for connection to computer.
-1 port for optional remote control.
-2 RJ11 telephone line jacks.
-5 status LED on front panel.
-Configurable by PC (286 or up)or directly on front panel
-Configuration software included.
-Four sealed controls on front panel

LCD Display
-Displays incoming signals or controls on 4 lines by 24 characters.
-Displays last 800 events
-Configuration and operation on front panel
-Alarm acknowledge key for easy operation.
-Configuration menus in English,French,Spanish or Portuguese

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